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May 30, 2024

Empowering Your Legacy: How to Create a Charitable Giving Plan

People give for a variety of reasons, and philanthropy has the potential to provide cognitive, emotional, and financial benefits to those who donate. Some find personal satisfaction in helping to improve their communities, while others take a broader approach to tackling global concerns. The goal is exploring and participating in missions that share the values you and your family hold dear.

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Overcoming FAFSA Delays: Take Control of Your College Choices

Choosing the right college to attend after all those years of hard work in high school is stressful enough. Still, as life does, many students were thrown a bit of a curve ball as delays with this year’s FAFSA financial aid offers has temporarily prevented them from taking the next step in their educational future. It is frustrating, but the federal government is working to rectify the problem. The delays were due to the time it took to roll out the changes instituted with the FAFSA Simplification Act. Many college admissions offices altered and extended their timelines to allow students time to receive and make decisions based on their offers.

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